Thursday, June 5, 2008

My New Thing

This is a family I shot at an all day photography conference at UVSC. They brought in families with adopted children to get portraits done. It was a bit intimidating because a) So far I've only shot people I know or have approached myself, and b) there were professional photographers there that I've never met saying, "How do want the lighting? How do you want them dressed? What settings are you shooting at? Yada yada yada."
I just about peed my pants with excitement when I saw the outfits they brought to wear though. Their mom asked if I wanted them in normal clothes or the costumes. I didn't even have to think about my answer. Aren't they adorable?
The two oustide kids are half Native American, and the girl in the middle is the one they adopted(who happens to be part Cherokee.) It was a great learning experience.

This one is my niece, and we were just playing around at grandma's house. She's so beautiful it's hard not to get a great shot of her, but I really liked this one.

I realized that I, surprisingly, love to photograph children. It's weird because I didn't think I was very good with kids, but interacting with them has become so easy. I'm positive it's because I see my nieces all the time and have been really close to them their whole lives. I'm really glad because it's definitely improved my photography by leaps and bounds.


Unknown said...

not feeling bitter just didnt want to be creepy, i removed it like a week after i wrote it actually. good luck with the website im sure it will be great, i need to learn how to make one, maybe i should look into that. hah and i wish i had money to shop too...........

Celeste said...

Those are really good pictures Amber! Amber Weimer photography will be a hit in no time.

JP said...

good luck, your images look great