Okay, so it may not a Christmas miracle(it had a nice ring to it), but it really is a miraculous event.
I've finally achieved the impossible: Thanks to some large tupperwares, a shelf, and a hanging thing from IKEA, I've finally fit all my clothes AND shoes into one closet. This may sound ridiculous, but never in my whole life (seriously) have I accomplished this. I'm notorious for being messy, but since we bought our house, I've been an organization freak. You never realize how much crap you have until you have to fit it all somewhere. So from now on, it's no more mrs. messy girl!
p.s. if you were wondering what was in those 3 gigantic tupperwares at the bottom, you guessed it. All shoes!
That is so funny! Have you really never had only one closet?? You have always had a lot of shoes and clothes, but have always looked good too! Way to go on the organization! I need to be better at that. I now have to somehow turn our guest room/computer room/overflow storage space into our new baby room. Ha ha, that's going to be fun.
Haha good job Amber! It looks super nice! Our closet is super tiny for one person and it is a disaster right now! I need to learn from you... I will fix it when school gets out :)
Good job Amber.. If you're like me, it will be clean for about a week. Hopefully it will stay organized though =)
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