Thursday, June 19, 2008

Caution: Reading the following entry may cause you to pee your pants

Picture this:
We've just finished our meal at Red Lobster, and our waitress comes over to sing my sister happy birthday. Normal right? Here's where it gets interesting. Ready? Instead of a dessert, the lady brings out a live wiggling lobster and a lit birthday candle. We're all like, "What the?!"
So they sing her happy birthday, and the lady hands the lobster (really really) the birthday candle which it holds in one of it's tiny appendages and waves it around!!!! Are you kidding me? It's probably the funniest/most amazing/freakshow things I've ever seen. The best part was, she just stood there with the lobster holding the candle for like 20 seconds and told my sister that she (the lobster) was a good helper and that my sister could pet her if she wanted.
First of all, are you positive she's a she? Second of all, are you on crack? I would've gotten a picture of "her(our tasty new friend)" holding the candle, but I was too busy picking my jaw up off the floor.

I must admit, it was actually quite adorable and cartoon looking when it was waving the candle around.
Oh, and here's my lover and me back at my mom's after dinner. Love him!


Celeste said...

HaHA that's freakin awesome! I have never even heard of that before

Ben and Meg said...

Oh my word! That's so bizarre! I so wanna go to Red Lobster for my next birthday!

Alissa said...

That is so weird. What a talented lobster!

Unknown said...

i dont even really love red lobster and that makes me want to go for my birthday dinner just to see that happen!!